Editorial team

Главный редактор журнала
Professor, Editor-in-Chief
Pacific State University
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences
Борытко Н.М.
Volgograd State University
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences
Логачева Т.Н.
Associate professor
Volgograd Institute of Business
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
Член ред коллегии
Amur Humanitarian and Pedagogical State University
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences
Член ред коллегии
Professor, Vice-Rector
Amur State University
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences
Член ред коллегии
Assistant professor
Amur State University
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
Assistant professor
Amur State University
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
Член ред коллегии
Pacific State University
Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
Член ред коллегии
Amur State University
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences
Борзова Т.В.
Pacific State University
Doctor of Psychology

Magazine release schedule